Team Blitz India Media

Deepak Dwivedi

Chairman & Editor-in-Chief

Deepak Dwivedi is a senior journalist with over 30 years of active experience and media personality. He is the chairman ,editor-in-chief of the Blitz India . Deepak Dwivedi is known for his bold opinions on social issues. Prof Deepak Dwivedi is a Journalist with over three decades of learnings with leading media houses in India and abroad. As Political Editor covered sensitive Ministry meetings, Regular PM briefings and Cabinet proceedings. Accompanied the PM , President and other visiting dignities in their in-country tours/visits. While working as a Special Correspondent and later as the Political Editor, was deeply interested in-depth knowledge of the criminal justice systems as also its interplay often clashing with the human rights as a specific focus.

Sandeepp Saxena

Institute Of Directors | Social Impact & Sustainability |Advisory Board Eye Foundation Of America | Mentor AIM Niti Aayog | Co-Founder Media Start-Up | Development Journalism

Sandeep Saxena is a seasoned development sector journalist, social sector enthusiast ,with over two decades of international experience he is the group resident editor at blitz india.

Toby Usnik

Head of Communications at British Consulate General NY / Corporate Communications / 

CSR / Social Impact / Author and Podcaster: The Caring Economy

Let's live from before the homework, the door is now not, the Hendrerit turpis. Full time, put the elit in the laoreet, the bed does not flatter the god, and place the urn diam of the real estate of the hospital. The mass of the members of the fleet is the mass of the earth, nor does the earth flatter the drink School and school. Let's live from before the homework, the door is now not, the Hendrerit turpis. Everyone is planning on carrying out their homework. Toby Usnik runs caring economy podcast, regular feature in social column of Blitz India ,he is based out of New York.
